The Irishman
The Irishman Founders Reserve Irish Whiskey 700ml
The Irishman Founders Reserve Irish Whiskey 700ml
The Founder’s Reserve is a unique take on the old Irish Pot Still Whiskey and is the original and signature blend created by founder Bernard Walsh. It is a blend of two styles, Single Malt and Single Pot Still. The proportions used are 70% Single Malt and 30% Single Pot Still. This is unusual in itself, as it is the only Irish blended whiskey to contain 100% whiskey distillates from the copper pot still and 0% Grain or Column still whiskey. This results in a much more flavoursome whiskey. The Founder’s Reserve is triple distilled and matured in Bourbon Casks. A Gold Medal Winner at The International Spirits Challenge in London, one of the highest rated Irish Whiskey’s in Jim Murray’s Whiskey Bible with 93 points – “Quite a Wonderful Blend” and most recently awarded Gold at “The Whiskey Masters” as overall winner in “The Irish Whiskey Category”. Quite simply an amazing Whiskey!
A Zesty Spice, with hints of black pepper, cinnamon and peaches. A slight hint of vanilla too, with a suggestive savour of Green Apple.
Pot Still Spice, malt, dark chocolate, bourbon oak, and crème caramel
Everlasting finish with oak and butterscotch. Lingers for what seems like an eternity!
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